Brandwein’s Bagels Debuts Pizza Bagels @ Launch

Some of the most delicious innovations come, quite literally, from right around the corner. Brandwein’s Bagels—3 blocks from Launch (503 West Rosemary Street) and founded in 2020 in the midst of the covid pandemic by everyone’s favorite person, Alex Brandwein (a Launch Chapel Hill and UNC Kenan-Flagler MBA alum)—embodies everything we aspire to be:

  • Beloved place to work and patronize

  • Thriving in Chapel Hill

  • Innovating all the time

  • Giving back to the community in countless ways

  • With a seemingly boundless willingness to partner with, and support, others

And did we mention DELICIOUS? All of the above remained entirely true last week when a Startup Connect Interns meeting (sponsored by the 1789 Venture Hub) went from routine to amazing with the delivery and unboxing of Branwein’s latest offering: pizza bagels!

Half the group joined virtually, and their moods understandably darkened : ) as we divvied up the bounty without them. For those of us attending in person, the meeting agenda went out the window and eating agendas took priority. Me? Kimi and I dug right in. A coworker risked some ‘you’re home late’ wrath to wait, as the meeting ran long, for a bagel box—and then realized that taking 2 boxes home would delectably placate any partner’s frustration.

Several of the interns dove in too, although a few showed near super-human restraint and decided to wait to enjoy their pizza bagels at home later—because they knew, now or later, with friends or own your own, the experience was going to be awesome.

Pizza bagels aren’t, yet, an always-available thing. Keep an eye on Brandwein’s Instagram and, in the meantime, order online from the rest of the delicacies there (add onions and jalapenos to the Hot Honey Turkey and change your life forever).


Sheryl Waddell Named Director of Economic Development and Innovation Hubs for UNC-Chapel Hill


Meet Sheryl Waddell, The New Face Behind UNC’s Innovation Hub