Thanks for your interest in applying to the Launch Chapel Hill Startup Accelerator!
Please review our Accelerator Overview & FAQ | Questions anytime to

Please check soon for info on the Spring 2025 accelerator applications.

  • Part 1 of 2: The online application through which you’ll include all the data points and official stuff. The online application should take 15-30 minutes to complete.

  • Part 2 of 2:

    Please upload your .mp4 video file of no more than 2-3 minutes that lets us know

    * Your name(s) and your venture name
    * What your venture is/does
    * Why you are passionate about this space
    * How your venture differs from your competitors
    * The kind of traction (sales, revenue, users) you've had
    * Feedback from existing users/customers/clients
    * How you feel Launch Chapel Hill can help
    * Anything else you'd like us to know

    We'll only use these videos internally, as a chance for you to add depth and personality to your online application.

    Don't go to a lot of trouble (cell phone videos are fine); we want to be impressed by you not by your video-production skills : )


As You Consider Our Accelerator, Please

Review the FAQ Frequently Asked Questions and other information on the Accelerator Overview Page

Reach out to us, regardless of where you are in your startup journey, to schedule some talk time:

Keep current: follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletter and Innovate Carolina’s newsletter



The Launch Chapel Hill Accelerator fields two to three, 14 to 16-week cohorts each year. We are ‘industry agnostic’ in that we accept ventures of all sorts who can

  • Share a minimum viable product, wire-frame or other demonstrable version of their product or service

  • Speak knowledgeably about the competition and to the venture’s competitive advantage and distinctiveness

  • Show some traction through initial sales, customer discovery, earlier investment

At Launch Chapel Hill, We

  • Strongly encourage teams as the accelerator is quite rigorous for 1 person

  • Highly value a wide variety of great people and great ideas, and we want to give you the chance to describe your venture in a variety of ways

  • Really want you to succeed so please reach out any any point with questions, concerns or just to get acquainted

Join us and add to all that’s going on in downtown Chapel Hill